Whidbey Island Trip 2014
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On Tuesday, April 29th, twelve members of the North Island chapter paid a visit to Whidbey Island, WA. Arriving at 4 PM, a welcoming BBQ was held at Lounsberry’s Park hosted by Jack and Norma Lounsberry.
The next day our group toured the maginicent gardens of Sharron & Craig Reide and Carla & John Stroh before a lunch break and tour at Meerkerk Gardens.
The tour continued in the afternoon with visits to the gardens of Frank Fujioka and Katie & David Dickerson. In the evening we enjoyed a delicious pot luck dinner for members of both chapters held at the Greenbank Progressive hall. /p>
On Thursday, May 1st, a final garden visit was made to the Bachert’s “Kettle Garden” and its many unusual features.
Some members travelling together also had an opportunity to stop in for a visit at the garden of Bill & Mary Stipe before heading home. All agreed that the tour was excellent and look forward to future visits.
Complete details of the tour can be found in an article by Helena Stewart in the June 2014 NIRS newsletter.
Special thanks to NIRS Members Noni Godfrey and Peter Guertler for sharing their hundreds of photos og the three day trip. Be warned, it is going to take some time to get through them all. Best to sit back with a cup of tea or coffee and watch the slide show!