Comox Valley Rhododendron Garden (CVRG)
The North Island Rhododendron Society works with the city of Courtenay to maintain the Comox Valley Rhododendron Garden (CVRG) – a public garden located along the walking path between the Historic Train building on Cliffe Ave. and the Courtenay Airpark.
Located along the walking path between the Historic Train building on Cliffe Ave. and the Courtenay Airpark, the garden is ideally situated for maximum public enjoyment.
With funds raised through plant sales and garden tours, in 1996 the members decided to enter into a major project by building and maintaining a community rhododendron garden. On April 11, 1996, the North Island Rhododendron Society joined with the City of Courtenay, in the “Partners In Parks” program which allowed the club to begin work on the garden. See photos from the first 20 years at the CVRG.
The garden now consists of 7 beds, containing over 130 varieties of rhododendrons. Our first bed was completed in April 1996. Through hard work and donated plants the seventh bed, known as the “BOVI” bed (Born On Vancouver Island), was built in October 2006 and officially opened in May 2007.This specialized bed contains only those rhododendrons which have been hybridized here on Vancouver Island.
Although the garden is an ongoing maintenance project, our members enjoy the Spring to Fall work parties which have become somewhat of a social gathering. Work parties are normally held at 10 AM on the Thursday morning following the Tuesday meeting. However, during the summer months (June thru August) the work parties switch to 7 PM on the second Tuesday each month (our normal meeting nights.) See photos from the 20th Anniversary Celebration
Watch a 19:18 (min:sec) video of Sue and Garth’s tour of the CVRG on May 8th (during Rhododendron Month in Courtenay).
Watch a 6:25 (min:sec) video created by members of the North Island Rhododendron Society. This video features rhododendron plants flowering in the CVRG as well as several public and private gardens within the Comox Valley.