Propagation Group 2016
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The work that began in 2015 continued in the spring of this year with about 20 members enjoying the opportunities to learn more about propagation in various forms.
Led by Wolfgang Hoefgen and Garth Wedemire, the group began by potting up cuttings donated by Roberts & Adela Smith. With so much work to be done, the members split into two groups with half meeting on Tuesday, May 24th, and the rest on Monday, May 30th. Then on July 23rd, Wolfgang provided a workshop on grafting that was attended by most members of the propagation group plus a few guests.
Additional work of keeping the plants fertilized and watered was completed throughout the summer. All plants were inventoried and will be available for future plant sales, raffle prizes, door prizes, and gifts.
On Sept. 10th, 17th, and 24th, members of the group were busy preparing, collecting, and setting Rhododendron and Azalea cuttings taken at the CVRG, Smith’s garden, and some member gardens. These will be grown on over the next several years and used to support our future sales, gifts, and raffles.