Diana Scott

Bronze Medal Awarded to NIRS Member

Diana Scott – June 16th 2007

NIRS Bronze Medal Award:

At the annual pot luck dinner in a rhodo garden under a sunny sky Diana Scott was given the highest award, at the chapter level, the Bronze Medal, by the North Island Rhododendron Society. The citation on her certificate reads: “For devotion and dedication shown to the society and at all times displaying your leadership qualities.”

Since joining Diana has always been involved with the organizing of the annual plant sale and truss show and garden tours.

The last few years as secretary she has been doing an outstanding job, when any info regarding the past is required, we only have to ask and she will provide it; the executive still has trouble understanding how she manages to have meeting minutes on our computers almost as soon as we arrive home.

It is with great pleasure that this Medal was presented on Jun 16, 2007.

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