Whidbey Visits NIRS 2017
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On Wednesday, May 3rd, members of the Whidbey Island and Pilchuck chapters paid a visit to the North Island area. A ‘Meet & Greet’ barbeque was held at the beautiful home and garden of Adrianne and Robert McNabb.
Their arrival at the Comox Valley Rhododendron Garden coincided with the 20th-anniversary celebration of the Garden. Greeted by NIRS members and Courtenay Mayor Larry Jangula, each visiting member was presented with a City pin.
On Thursday morning, guests and hosts toured Ann Chvrier’s beautiful garden before heading to Paul and Lynn Wurz ‘Hidden Acres’ garden nursery in Campbell River, where all were treated to a delicious lunch.
After a tour of the Hidden Acres garden, the group stopped at several other gardens on their way back to Comox for a potluck dinner hosted by NIRS members at our Church Meeting Hall.